Thursday, September 1, 2016

CNY Colleges Have Us By a Week, But Our K-12 Schools Are A Week Ahead Of Them. Summer is Over People

Edem fell asleep on the couch last night, and when he got ready to head out for the day he was wearing orange....Syracuse Orange. I said, "You know I'm going to need a photograph of this for my files." Part of me thought about having him show up to the Faculty Welcome Back picnic carrying the flag, but we left it behind.

I see the foreboding inevitability of another semester heading our way, and I guess it feels okay, but I'm already exhausted thinking about it. I need to be on lock-down this weekend to get on top of my game, as the 4 days in Louisville (much needed) are catching up. It's great to take a couple of days as a "vacation" but the payoff is rough. rough that I gave in to order pizza last night. I refused to cook because I'm too tired being on top of the game.

Big Brother? I love the game, but it could have gone in a totally different direction. I wish Michelle somehow won the veto to throw everyone's game off. Sorry to put that here, but it's my vice and I can be obsessed if I want to.

Today begins the first day of daylong meetings (can't wait to be indoors all day again. Joy). Ah, but such is the rhythm and flow of University life.

Ugh. Did last semester even end yet? I'm confused. Why are we starting all over again?

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