Sunday, August 28, 2016

Pissing with Peg, and Other Brown School Memories. It's the Little Things That Stop Me In My Place and Make Me Think.

There are so many scenes around Louisville that make me stop and become nostalgic. Friday, however, when Chitunga and I visited Alice at the Brown School, I had to pee so went across the hall to the men's bathroom. Of course, it wasn't open like it used to be and I needed a key to get in. Allanna was walking by and helped me out. When I entered, I saw that the bathroom became a custodial storage area. The two stalls, however, were located in the back where they always were - I just needed to climb over boxes.

Boxes. Reminded me of Peg Box. Reminded me of the conversations I had with Chemistry teacher Peg Box as she sat in stall #1 blowing smoke out the window and I pissed in stall #2. I always said I was going to write a series of scripts called Pissing with Peg, because we had the best, two-minute conversations in this location. I never saw her in the stall and she never saw me. Yet, because I was the only male on the 3rd floor, she knew it was me. We simply chatted like good ol' friends.

And Peg is brilliant. She intimidated the heck out of people because she was super intellectual and gifted. She knew a lot and she took NO CRAP from anyone. She fought the good fight in her own, aggressive and biting way. I loved her for that.

Of course, Peg retired soon after I was hired, but I never forgot our conversations, even after she departed. Every time I used the bathrooms I thought of her and wondered how she was doing - the trail of smoke that often lingered from stall #1 was missed.

It really is the little things that trigger the largest things...the odd quirks that are normal, yet abnormal, and only have meaning when they are no longer.

Today is the last day in the 'ville and I am sad we have to leave. The friendliness in this city remains and the kindness will always be cherished.

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