Saturday, April 16, 2016

Out of the House Early on a Saturday Morning. Wish I Was Mean-Mugging, but I am Just Mugging with a Cup of Coffee

Definitely want to make this into a coffee mug. That day will happen. In the meantime, I'm off to a Men's Breakfast with Upward Bound in support of integrity of Bridgeport seniors who are soon to graduate. I got home last night with phenomenal intentions to get on my game, but resulted in walking the dog, enjoying the sunshine, putzing about the yard, making Guac, getting groceries, and talking to Cynderballz on FaceTime. The good intentions will need to be relocated until this afternoon.

Sometimes, I simply need to make excuses not to do mind work and to simply be in a vegetative state while contending with domestic realities. Of course, I could have vacuumed, folded laundry, clean windows or even mowed the lawn, but I simply wanted to be in the zone of the moment (which, in Glamis terms, means sitting on the couch so she can chew my hands, lick my ears, and bring me tennis balls to be thrown).

Ah, but morning. There is nothing I love more than a mug of coffee (or two) and, in fact, I just reminded myself that I need more mocha because I'm out.

This is the transitional period of the semester where i know I need to get on top of the anarchy about to ensue: celebrations, coursework, summer plans, graduations, and all the other jazz that comes with the territory. I am clean shaven and ready, though.

Hmmmmm. I think people would like this as a coffee mug so they wake up with me. I need to look into this.

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