Monday, April 25, 2016

A Day of Reflection, Connecticut Family, Intellectual Debate, and New Possibilities (Not to Mention, Great Food)

Chitunga and I were invited into the hospitality of Howard and Alisha, to very important people two our Connecticut lives for an afternoon of phenomenal food, conversation, connection, and faith in the Great Whatever. Our one hour gathering turned into a six hour dialogue about education, politics, opportunity, hard work, labor and doing what is best locally and globally.

I left feeling very blessed by the coincidences in the world and how one chapter leads into the other and without the story of one, there isn't the story that follows. This photograph captures so many ways individual chapters cross plot lines so that protagonists can have an influence on other characters. Right here is Ubuntu, personified. My house can be my house because of what our houses are together.

Howard is working on his Ph.D at UConn and Alisha is setting off to embark on her own Ph.D at UMASS-Amherst. They are using all their cultural and experiential capital to set out to make a name for themselves in their world and the world of others.

Chitunga, smiling in the center of us all, is a direct result of our friendship and ongoing faith in one another. It's a busy work week ahead, but we have this photograph to remind us what it's all about.

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