Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Writing About The Sundays on a Wednesday Before I Head Into Work For a Day of Meetings (and Writing)

Yesterday, Steve Di Costanzo of WPKN radio was pulling several albums off the shelf of their expansive library, explaining to me that he likes to feature an album cover every week on the station's Facebook page. He selected around 10 albums, but when he saw how excited I was to see The Sundays he simply said, "That's the winner for this week. It's over."

It was the first time I met the man and I told him, "You feature it on your Facebook page and I will write about it on my blog."

I first heard The Sundays on 120 Minutes, an MTV show that used to begin after midnight and featured alternative pop and rock. These were the days when MTV played music 24/7, after they went from flashing lights to video, and before they moved to reality t.v. and news coverage. They used to be all music and I learned in my teenage years that the best music was played late at night - probably just like a radio station when DJs get the late shifts, but can play what is really good music and not commercial.

I didn't have the vinyl, of course. I had a cassette - one that I played all throughout my senior year of high school and throughout my college years, including while I studied in London as a 19-year old. The Sundays, The JudyBats, Blues Traveler, Edie Brickel and the New Bohemians, Kraftwerk, Art of Noise, The Spin Doctors, Prince - these were my go to musicians and I still laugh that I used to pack all those tapes into backpacks where I went.

I still have the cassettes, too. They are in my garage in a box - I don't think there's a working cassette player in our house (but now I want to find one). How quickly we moved to CDs, then mP3s, and of course, the Internet. Tunga listens to music organized for him via free online programs. He types in the names of who he wants to hear and they organize the music for him. How quickly I aged out of the music scene (which I suppose happens to everyone - I laugh to know that I don't know anyone today and I didn't 10 years ago either). Soon I'll be wishing my own Lawrence Welk and Happy Days years back my way.

But for today, I play The Sundays. This will be the song in my head to keep me going!

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